The film tells the heartwarming tale of Ilgar Suleymanov, a former Olympic medalist who has settled into a quiet life in his hometown. Despite having close friends and a love for fishing, Ilgar is haunted by his loneliness and lack of direction. However, when an unexpected visitor arrives at his doorstep, Ilgar's life takes an exciting and unexpected turn, leading him on a journey that will take him from Azerbaijan to the distant shores of Cuba. This poignant and uplifting film explores the universal themes of friendship, love, and the search for meaning in a touching and unforgettable way.
Is Olimpia on Netflix? Unfortunately the movie Olimpia is not yet available on Netflix. Follow us on Facebook to see when Olimpia becomes available on Netflix!
Writing | Rustam Babazadeh | Screenplay |
Camera | Nadir Mehdiyev | Director of Photography |
Art | Arif Niftiyev | Art Direction |
Sound | Teymur Karimov | Sound |
Production | Tarlan Babayev | Executive Producer |
Costume & Make-Up | İrada Gulbabayeva | Makeup Artist |
Editing | Elshad Rahimov | Editor |
Directing | Ali-Sattar Quliyev | Director |
Production | Ali-Sattar Quliyev | Producer |
Sound | Roman Shulga | Original Music Composer |