In this animated short, a terrible curse deprives Balthasar's kingdom of its stories. Taking the unicorn's horn back into The Belly of the Earth is the solution. Poppety will lead an expedition, by chance uncovering a hitherto closely guarded family secret.
Is Poppety in the Fall on Netflix? Unfortunately the movie Poppety in the Fall is not yet available on Netflix. Follow us on Facebook to see when Poppety in the Fall becomes available on Netflix!
Directing | Pierre-Luc Granjon | Director |
Directing | Antoine Lanciaux | Director |
Writing | Pierre-Luc Granjon | Screenplay |
Art | Samuel Ribeyron | Graphic Designer |
Writing | Antoine Lanciaux | Screenplay |
Writing | Pascal Le Nôtre | Writer |
Directing | Sara Sponga | Director |
Visual Effects | Chaïtane Conversat | Animation |
Writing | Pierre-Luc Granjon | Writer |
Writing | Antoine Lanciaux | Writer |