A young office worker turns into an insect. As an insect, he enters the orifices of his enemies and possesses them, allowing him to enact his revenge fantasies...
Is Bondage Ecstasy on Netflix? Unfortunately the movie Bondage Ecstasy is not yet available on Netflix. Follow us on Facebook to see when Bondage Ecstasy becomes available on Netflix!
Production | Shūji Kataoka | Producer |
Editing | Shōji Sakai | Editor |
Lighting | Hiromi Kato | Lighting Technician |
Writing | Shirô Yumeno | Screenplay |
Sound | So Hayakawa | Music |
Directing | Hisayasu Satô | Director |
Directing | Hiromi Hirose | Assistant Director |
Crew | Tetsuya Iida | Cinematography |
Production | Tatsuro Komada | Producer |
Lighting | Kiyoshi Matsumoto | Lighting Technician |
Directing | Takahisa Zeze | Assistant Director |
Camera | Kanemi Kawanaka | Director of Photography |