Bad Times At Conformity High follows Thomas (Riley Danson). A sarcastic, fly under the radar kind of guy, who by an all power, British political goddess (Lucrita Hodkinson) has been forced into The Australian School System of All Things Conformity at -- you guessed it -- Conformity High!! Everything has been taken from him by the system, reluctantly pairing up with the mysterious Violet (Holly O'Kelly) in order to seek their completely irresponsible justice.
Is Bad Times At Conformity High on Netflix? Unfortunately the movie Bad Times At Conformity High is not yet available on Netflix. Follow us on Facebook to see when Bad Times At Conformity High becomes available on Netflix!
Editing | Bailey T. Steen | Editor |
Crew | Samuel Pratt | Stunts |
Camera | Bailey T. Steen | Director of Photography |
Production | Daniel Shepley | Producer |
Writing | Bailey T. Steen | Writer |
Sound | Ludwig van Beethoven | Music |
Visual Effects | Bailey T. Steen | Animation |
Directing | Bailey T. Steen | Director |
Sound | Bailey T. Steen | Music |
Production | Bailey T. Steen | Producer |