In this highly anticipated sequel to his groundbreaking, ADVERTISING AND THE END OF THE WORLD, media scholar Sut Jhally explores the devastating personal and environmental fallout from advertising, commercial culture, and rampant American consumerism. Ranging from the emergence of the modern advertising industry in the early 20th century to the full-scale commercialization of the culture today, Jhally identifies one consistent message running throughout all of advertising: the idea that corporate brands and consumer goods are the keys to human happiness. He then shows how this powerful narrative, backed by billions of dollars a year and propagated by the best creative minds, has blinded us to the catastrophic costs of ever-accelerating rates of consumption.
Is Advertising at the Edge of the Apocalypse on Netflix? Unfortunately the movie Advertising at the Edge of the Apocalypse is not yet available on Netflix. Follow us on Facebook to see when Advertising at the Edge of the Apocalypse becomes available on Netflix!
Writing | Jeremy Earp | Writer |
Editing | Jason Young | Editor |
Production | Loretta Alper | Producer |
Directing | Sut Jhally | Director |
Directing | Jeremy Earp | Director |
Writing | Sut Jhally | Writer |
Editing | Sut Jhally | Editor |
Editing | Jeremy Earp | Editor |
Crew | Katelyn Dube | Intern |
Crew | Sandra Scanlon | Intern |
Sound | Rikk Desgres | Sound |
Production | Sarah Marmon | Production Assistant |
Crew | David Tauscher | Intern |
Production | David Mello | Production Assistant |
Crew | Emily Hodgkins | Intern |