An adventurous teenager summons the courage to help a friendly dinosaur to escape from the clutches of a mad scientist that wants to use him for experimentations.
Is The Adventures of Jurassic Pet on Netflix? Unfortunately the movie The Adventures of Jurassic Pet is not yet available on Netflix. Follow us on Facebook to see when The Adventures of Jurassic Pet becomes available on Netflix!
Production | Ryan S. Black | Co-Executive Producer |
Writing | Chris Hoyt | Writer |
Directing | Ryan Bellgardt | Director |
Writing | Sebastien Semon | Writer |
Sound | David Stone Hamilton | Music |
Writing | Jerome Reygner-Kalfon | Writer |
Production | Andy Swanson | Producer |
Production | Jerome Reygner-Kalfon | Producer |
Production | Stan Wertlieb | Executive Producer |
Production | Sebastien Semon | Producer |
Production | Chris Hoyt | Producer |
Production | Josh McKamie | Producer |
Production | Ryan Bellgardt | Producer |
Production | Barry Brooker | Executive Producer |
Production | Galen Christy | Producer |
Camera | Josh McKamie | Director of Photography |